Friday, March 14, 2014

Avoiding WWIII

By Peter Koenig
March 14, 2014        

There Is A Great Risk of WWIII Over Ukraine / Crimea. But it could be avoided if Russia and China act fast, dumping their dollar reserves, breaking the US dollar, thereby breaking the US economy.They don't need all of the BRICS for that.
But it could be avoided if Russia and China acted fast, dumping their dollar reserves, breaking the US dollar, thereby breaking the US economy. They don't need all of the BRICS for that.
Mr. Putin knows it, Mr. Xi knows it and Mr. Obama knows it - that Washington is holding the shorter stick.

What do the gentlemen Putin and Xi wait for?

For more brazen actions by Washington and its European lackeys and puppets?

It’s already widely known that the snipers in Kiev who killed almost 100 people were mercenaries paid for and were following US orders – straight from the US embassy in Kiev.

Blackwater and other US mercenaries – proxy armies - are roaming the streets of Kiev and other Ukrainian western cities who have indicated their desire to stay allied with Russia.

Mr. Putin knows it.

What else is needed to show the empire and its marionettes that they are naked? That they will be severely hurt if they follow Obama's and the Pentagon’s unconscious war cries? – If they continue to allow the presstitute media to numb their brains?

Why doesn’t Russia start ‘sampling’ what it could do? Like cutting of gas supplies to Europe – for starters? That seems to be easy enough.

Of course, Washington needs wars not only to reach global hegemony, but also for its mickey-mouse economy to survive; this hell-bound military / security industrial economy that produces about 60% of the US GDP – plus the endless production of unbacked dollars not worth the paper they are printed on – debt that is bought the world over in the form of Treasury Bonds as reserve currency – which is the driver of the American economy’s (sic) senseless consumerism – accounting for almost the reminder of US economic output.

What would be easier than to cut the world lose from this strangling chain – and send Washington and its stooges down the drain of national bankruptcy?

And starting a new segment of civilization, a new currency, a basket of moneys from sound and healthy economies?

There are plenty of countries who would like to participate in such a new beginning, even if the BRICS cannot get their act together fast enough --- Vietnam, Malaysia, Iran, Venezuela with the planet’s largest known hydrocarbon reserves – as well as Central Asian and other hydrocarbon producers.

The world populations may have to go through some dry stretches and trying periods – but would come out of it as winners – happy winners of a fairer global economy, where long-lost national sovereignties would be reinstated, with new partnerships and with of a new sense of human and societal solidarity.

Very likely, the presstitute, the propaganda whores of today’s linchpins would want to switch seats to side with the ‘winners’, as they imagine it’s with them that new lucre is waiting.

Wrong. These media criminals, who have millions of lives – or deaths - on their spineless backs, would be shed, floored, ignored annihilated.

New and truth journalism would flourish, instead.

Why is it so difficult to imagine such a new-born and healthy world? – And act on it fast? - Before our hapless humanity allows to be self-destroyed by a nuclear WWIII?

Peter Koenig is an economist and former World Bank staff. He worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. 

Original source:      

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